Thursday, August 28, 2008


Food poisoning...

But before...
Easy gym workout.
ABS in the park.


5 mile run with Mike
1.5 hours gymnastics
30 minutes run walk with J at Running Room

Monday, August 25, 2008


20 minute run on treadmill

20 minutes on elliptical
30 minutes on treadmill


Edmonton Journal

I had the interview yesterday, and spent most of the day relaxing. I was sure tired.
Here is the article:

I'm so proud to be mentioned as President.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It finally happened...

One week. 20 hours of sleep. I finally feel fucked.

Physiological effects
Generally, lack of sleep may result in
aching muscles *
blurred vision *
clinical depression
daytime drowsiness and naps, excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
loss of apetite *
decreased mental activity and concentration *
weakened immune system
dizziness *
dark circles under the eyes *
fainting *
general confusion *
hallucinations (visual and auditory)
hand tremors *
headache *
hyperactivity *
impatience *
irritability *
nausea *
nystagmus (rapid involuntary rhythmic eye movement)
psychosis-like symptoms
sleep paralysis (while awake) *
slowed reaction time *
slurred and/or nonsensical speech *
sore throat
stuffy nose *
weight loss or gain *
severe yawning
decreased desire for sexual activity
delirium *
temper tantrums in children[1]
symptoms similar to:
Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder[1]
alcoholic intoxication *


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Friday and Saturday

30 minute bike
1 hour horse training :)

4.5 hours in a factory! (Manual labour)
1 + hour horse training
4 mile run with my Dad

What an exhausting weekend. Was up at 4am to drop Lisa off at the airport, then at work for 8:30. Should be heading back to the city and for dinner with my folks right away. Good but tiring weekend.

OH! I got another scholarship! A social entrepreneurship one!! YAY!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Food Hangover

Hmmm... decisions, decisions... hahaha.

A "friend" is leaving Edmonton, and a gang went out to celebrate. She is a super skinny, and incredibly out of shape person... earlier this summer, she was on the treadmill for 5 minutes and puked... the entire group ended up eating a lot of junk food, like ice-cream. I fell into it, as it was the purpose of the social function... her favorite things to do are watch tv and eat crap.

Anways, I feel so sick today.

I guess I've learned that my body now decides what I should eat. My boyfriend felt equally sick. We decided to go on a big health kick, to avoid getting food hangovers...

I wonder if fit people prefer to hang out with other fit people, to avoid doing things that most people consider normal... gluttony, sloth...?

Oh well. Good reason to go on a long ride today, and perhaps a run with my Dad tonight.